About Me
My experience
I am a registered nutritional therapist and yoga teacher with over 15 years of clinical experience. I have offered on-line appointments for over a decade, with clients from across the globe, and before that held busy clinics in Harley Street and Hatton Gardens in London. I am a full member of BANT (British Association of Nutritionists and Nutritional Therapists) and the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council), and have an honours degree in Biology.
I am a fully certified teacher of Yoga Nidra, Iyengar, Yin, Well Women, Pregnancy and Post-Natal yoga. Within these styles I have extensively studied and taught postures, breath work, mantra and meditation. Much of my work has been informed by Kashmir Shaivism and teacher Sally Kempton, which teach meditation as a process of inner exploration in order to experience our natural state of wisdom and love. I also draw on my reiki masters and trainings in Bee Shamanism and enjoy weaving these disciplines into my offerings.
As well as my clinical work, I have also held classes, workshops and retreats in a range of venues both in the UK and abroad. I have experience of running detox programmes, presenting nutrition workshops, calculating nutrient analysis reports and writing articles. Corporate clients that I have worked with include: Pret A Manger, LabOrganic, Pure Package, The Anassa Hotel, Oxford University Press, JP Morgan, Move your Frame, Barlett Mitchell and Harbour and Jones. I also work with The Optimum Health Clinic and The Nutrition Coach.

My Story
I’ve always been highly sensitive. Even as a child I could feel how my environment, diet and emotions impacted my body. It made complete sense for me to turn towards nutrition and lifestyle practices to bring my body into balance. I first discovered the true power of food and yoga as a teenager, where these disciplines transformed my on-going health issues. I became fascinated with the human body and how it is impacted by both our inner and outer worlds, and so my desire to work as a nutritional therapist and yoga teacher to support people on their health journeys began.
However, along the way my practice has changed and my journey took a transformative turn when I unexpectedly found myself with post-viral fatigue. It was a lightbulb moment that fundamentally changed my work.
I developed severely low energy, brain fog, aching, nausea and constant sore throats. Numerous doctors told me that ‘nothing was wrong’, yet I felt so unwell. I was a qualified nutrition practitioner and yoga teacher who had been doing all the right things to take good care of myself. For years I had eaten really well, meditated, practiced yoga daily, and here I was burnt-out. What had gone wrong?
In that moment I realised how disconnected I had become to my inner wisdom and body intelligence. That was the lightbulb moment that changed everything for me. I had been imposing what I thought were ‘the best’ nutrition rules and yoga practices on my body, without listening to what my body had to say. I had been ignoring the inner messages that wanted different food and a different yoga practice, ones that were right for me. My life had been driven by my mind and what I thought was right and wrong and now my body was burnt-out. I had to fully listen to it in order to get well.
As I listened to my body, I knew that nutrition and yoga were still my way out of illness, but there needed to be a new paradigm, one where my body, mind and spirit worked together. I ‘undid’ a lot of what I had learnt during this time. I ate foods that I had previously been told by experts to avoid, I asked my body what spiritual practice it wanted each day, I tuned into my own inner rhythms and cycles and my activity was guided by the needs of my body.
There was such a softness at this time and a deep knowing that I was ok. I was whole. Before that my health journey had always come from a place of feeling broken, like I needed to be fixed. This time felt so different. I didn’t need to make such an effort and impose rules and structures. My job was to listen and respond and allow the healing to unfold.
This brought such freedom as I realised that everything I had been searching for was inside me. All the answers were held in the wisdom of my body, there was no right or wrong, only what was right for me in each moment. By letting go of pushing to achieve and polarised thinking, my fatigue and co-existing symptoms disappeared and I reached a new and higher level of health.
This experience has deepened my compassion for my clients. I’ve come to see that much of their suffering comes from feeling broken and powerless. Ironically, traditional health journeys which are often laden with rigid rules and endless to-do lists, can exacerbate stress, deepen disconnection, and create even more problems.
I believe that it is deep listening that is the missing piece on many health journeys, as it is only when we can drop our thoughts and listen within that we know what is right for us. It is here in the quietness that the transformation occurs and we become empowered to make our own diet and lifestyle choices that fully support our on-going health.

My Story
I’ve always been highly sensitive. Even as a child I could feel how my environment, diet and emotions impacted my body. It made complete sense for me to turn towards nutrition and lifestyle practices to bring my body into balance. I first discovered the true power of food and yoga as a teenager, where these disciplines transformed my on-going health issues. I became fascinated with the human body and how it is impacted by both our inner and outer worlds, and so my desire to work as a nutritional therapist and yoga teacher to support people on their health journeys began.
However, along the way my practice has changed and my journey took a transformative turn when I unexpectedly found myself with post-viral fatigue. It was a lightbulb moment that fundamentally changed my work.
I developed severely low energy, brain fog, aching, nausea and constant sore throats. Numerous doctors told me that ‘nothing was wrong’, yet I felt so unwell. I was a qualified nutrition practitioner and yoga teacher who had been doing all the right things to take good care of myself. For years I had eaten really well, meditated, practiced yoga daily, and here I was burnt-out. What had gone wrong?
In that moment I realised how disconnected I had become to my inner wisdom and body intelligence. That was the lightbulb moment that changed everything for me. I had been imposing what I thought were ‘the best’ nutrition rules and yoga practices on my body, without listening to what my body had to say. I had been ignoring the inner messages that wanted different food and a different yoga practice, ones that were right for me. My life had been driven by my mind and what I thought was right and wrong and now my body was burnt-out. I had to fully listen to it in order to get well.
As I listened to my body, I knew that nutrition and yoga were still my way out of illness, but there needed to be a new paradigm, one where my body, mind and spirit worked together. I ‘undid’ a lot of what I had learnt during this time. I ate foods that I had previously been told by experts to avoid, I asked my body what spiritual practice it wanted each day, I tuned into my own inner rhythms and cycles and my activity was guided by the needs of my body.
There was such a softness at this time and a deep knowing that I was ok. I was whole. Before that my health journey had always come from a place of feeling broken, like I needed to be fixed. This time felt so different. I didn’t need to make such an effort and impose rules and structures. My job was to listen and respond and allow the healing to unfold.
This brought such freedom as I realised that everything I had been searching for was inside me. All the answers were held in the wisdom of my body, there was no right or wrong, only what was right for me in each moment. By letting go of pushing to achieve and polarised thinking, my fatigue and co-existing symptoms disappeared and I reached a new and higher level of health.
This experience has deepened my compassion for my clients. I’ve come to see that much of their suffering comes from feeling broken and powerless. Ironically, traditional health journeys which are often laden with rigid rules and endless to-do lists, can exacerbate stress, deepen disconnection, and create even more problems.
I believe that it is deep listening that is the missing piece on many health journeys, as it is only when we can drop our thoughts and listen within that we know what is right for us. It is here in the quietness that the transformation occurs and we become empowered to make our own diet and lifestyle choices that fully support our on-going health.
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57 Winchester Street,
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07760 213 359